Monday, May 16, 2011

Of Fish and Books

Since cooking, baking and sewing have not been working out for me so well lately, we are trying a new hobby. We are two months into aquariums :)

Fish are hard to photograph, but for illustration purposes here is my betta:
My daughter is very much into a new book - Look! A Book! and I recommend it to any toddler :)

And finally how about a pic of my nearly three year old from yesterday: Mommy and Gilrlie had some special time and went to Starbucks together :)


  1. she looks so much like you here:) Little girls are so much fun as they are growing up, I am really enjoying the "girl" time with mine at this point. You and all your hobbies don't seize to amaze me! good luck with the fish!

  2. Thank you Vitusya! Looking at Sophia I know what they mean when they say - To have a child, means to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. Hobbies are good to keep me relatively sane ;)
